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6 Best Procedures on How to Wash the Car Well You Should Know

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Are you looking for the best procedures on how to wash the car well? If you haven’t looked for the best steps to do it, here we have an article to inform you how to wash the car correctly so you can have a car that will always look clean and shiny. The car will even look new if you perform the right maintenance. 

Possessing a car requires you to keep it clean. However, it is just not enough. You need also to keep the car’s paint. In this case, the paint has pores on its surface. If you don’t clean the car regularly, the pores will close along with the dirt inside. Nevertheless, car wash should be performed well based on the procedure. 

So here are the best procedures on how to wash the car well. 

Prepare the Equipment Needed 

Washing the car carelessly can actually lead the car to get damaged. In most cases, the car will have strecthes so it will have stain on its surface, making the exterior looks uniteresting. To avoid this problem, you need to prepare the equipment needed including the chamois, soap which is specially formulated for car wash, microfiber cloth, pail, small brush and etc. 

Further, you need also to prepare flowing water to ensure the car wash process is correct and quick. 

Wipe the Car Using the Clean Chamois 

The next procedure to wash the car correctly based on the best procedure is to wipe the car using the clean chamois. The main function of this chamois is to prevent the dirt from accumulating on it. The dirt on the cloth will make the car looks dirtier when the cloth is wet. 

Use Clean Water to Make The Car Wet 

Using clean water to make the car wet is necessary. Avoid spraying the car too strongly from the front part as it can cause the car to stain due to the strong pressure between the water and the dirt on the car. Instead, you can wet the car from side to side. 

If you have successfully take the dirt out of the car surface, you need only to notice the dirt and wipe it. 

Use Special Soap for Car Wash 

The next best procedure on how to wash the car well is using the special soap for car wash. Never use the other soap to wash the car as it can damage the car’s paint. So, wash the car with the soap from the upper part of the car to its down part. This procedure is considered good to wash the car quickly. 

Clean The Tire and Other Details 

Tire and other details are often forgotten when a person washes his car. If you don’t wash the tire and other details of the car, they will not look nice. In fact, tire and other details around the tire are the parts that make the car looks good. Thus, don’t forget to clean the tire either. 

Start cleaning the tire by washing its front part and its details to ensure the overall look of the car. Many car owners tend to polish the tire in order to get the wet look. However, there are still more other people that do not recommend it. Why? Polishing the tire will potentially cause it to harden. Other details to clean includes the wiper, antenne, grill, lamps and door handles. 

Clean The Car and Dry It Correctly 

When the car has been clean, you need to water it once again correctly. Remember, perfom this step using the flowing water. Rinse the car from its body and mirror to its tire. Further, don’t forget to clean the car’s exterior as well. 

Finish the clearance process and dry the car body using the chamois cloth that you have prepared. It is better to use the different cloth for every cleaning steps. This is aimed to prevent the dirt from moving to your car. 

All in all, maintaining the car should be done correctly based on the suggested procedures. Make sure that your car will not look old just because you perform the incorrect procedures. You can perform the steps on how to wash the car well we have already shared above. However, if you are still feeling doubt for your car maintenance, you can use MPM Rent service. MPM Rent is a popular and reputable car rental that provides transportation service along with the package of driver, safety service and car maintenance. So, don’t hesitate to use MPM Rent car rental. 



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