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Ini 7 Cara Mengatasi Mobil Mogok Saat Terkena Banjir yang Benar

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As the rain falls heavily, flood is one of the unavoidable natural disasters. In the city, a large number of properties get damaged including cars. This way, everyone needs to know the tricks on how to fix a car that doesn’t work because of flood. 

When it comes to rainy season, Indonesia potentially experiences flood making the roads look like a river. For cars, the flood causes the engine damaged so it will stop working. You cannot drive! 

To help you solve the problem, here we are going to share the tricks you can do to fix the car so it won’t get a permanent damage. 

Turn Off the Car’s Electricity 

The first trick you can try soon is to turn off the car’s electricity. Start doing it from the accumulator cable to the plus terminal. This is aimed to prevent a short circuit. If the car’s electricity is still on, it will endanger you. 

Avoid Turning On The Car 

Keep in mind that you should not turn on the car anytime you want. Make sure the car is already clean and dry if you really want to turn it on. If you get started while the car is still wet, the short circuit will possibly occur and the car will get damaged. 

Dry The Car Soon 

As soon as the flood disappears, the first thing to do with the car is drying it quickly. Push the car to a flood-free area without turning on its machine. This is aimed to avoid further problem. Keep in mind that the longer the machine stays in the flood, the worse it will get damaged. 

Dry The Car’s Interior and Cabin

The next trick on how to fix a car that doesn’t work because of flood to try is drying the car’s interior and cabin. Use a vacuum cleaner to absorb the water and a towel to absorb the excess water. Release the car’s seat whenever it is needed. You can also use a fan for a quick dry. 

Use The Car’s Assurance 

If you have an assurance, make a report that your car is troubled because of the flood. This report will help fasten the assurance claim. Keep in mind that not all assurance will provide a warranty over natural disasters like flood, landslide, earthquake and etc. 

To get a car protection from natural disasters, it is recommended that you add extra assurance for rider and choose natural disaster option. This is aimed to provide your car with the full protection through the assurance whenever it gets troubled. 

Check Up The Electronic Components 

If your car doesn’t work, you can also check up its electronic components such as ECU or Electronic Control Unit. This components functions to manage the car’s fuel consumption. If the water reaches this ECU, make sure you go checking it soon. 

ECU is usually setup in the car’s cabin or in the engine’s part. If the water accesses it, the damage will be unavoidable. That is due to the fact that this component is the center of all electronic system. 

The next electronic components you should check is the generator. The generator functions to supply the electricity to the accumulator. When the water accesses it, there won’t be any sign to pay attention. However, you need to check it up to ensure whether or not it works properly. 

Later, check the car’s relay. It is a component functioning to allow for the electricity to have a big power like the dynamo starter. If it gets watered, short circuit may occur and the worst possible thing to happen is the burning car. 

Other components you need to check are the fuse and injector. Fuse functions to stop the electricity. This component can also cause a short circuit. Meanwhile, injector functions for fuel-spray. This component is activated by the car’s electricity. Thus, it can be a big problem if these components are accessed by the water. 

Cable is the last component to check. Keep in mind that cable must be free from water. Once it gets wet, it causes short circuit. 

Call A Technician Soon 

The last trick on how to fix a car that doesn’t work because of flood you can try when all the tricks above do not work is definitely calling an expert or technician to repair any damage. A technician will know better how to deal with the car’s machine problems. He will surely check the entire components of your car. 

Never let your car to stay longer in the flood. The sooner you fix it, the sooner it will work again. In this regards, don’t hesitate to consider MPM Rent as the best car rentals in Indonesia. The vehicles provided by this rentals are all well-maintained so you can consider picking up a car rent there when your car is in trouble because of the flood. Contact MPM Rent soon for more information. 

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